Visit - A4 The Wendron Mining District

A4 The Wendron Mining District - Ranndir Balweyth Gwendron 

Tranquil rural area famed for tin-streaming 

The Wendron Area of the World Heritage Site is one of the smallest, however it is still rich in mining history and has some of the best-preserved examples of mineworkers’ smallholdings anywhere in the Site. Explore the beautiful open moorland on foot to wind through footpaths and lanes leading to mining settlements and villages where Cornish miners once lived. 

‘Wendron has one of the longest recorded histories of tin working in all of Cornwall’.

Places to visit

The Platinum Jubilee Trail

A circular walk through Wendron Parish created in honour of Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022. Follow the Platinum Jubilee Trail way markers along the route to enjoy the natural environment and industrial heritage of the parish, including the engine house at Medlyn Moor Mine and that at Tyack's Shaft, Basset & Grylls Mine.