World Heritage Site Planning Toolkit
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The World Heritage Site Planning Toolkit has been created to introduce the World Heritage Site (WHS) and to explain, using straightforward language, why it should be protected and how this is to be done.
The following pages within the Toolkit address the importance of the WHS, how its important features can be identified, and looks in detail at the information available for you to do this.
Photos and maps are included to illustrate the important features of the WHS, and an Impact Checklist has been added to provide a quick way to establish whether a development will have an impact upon the Site’s special qualities.
World Heritage Site Planning Toolkit
Explore this section
Managing development in and around the World Heritage Site
Development within, and adjacent, to the Cornish Mining World Heritage Site will change towns, villages and the wider landscape.

Why is the World Heritage Site important?
World Heritage Sites are very special places. They are inscribed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for their ‘Outstanding Universal Value’ (OUV), or international importance, to the whole of humankind. World Heritage Site status is the most important …

Identifying World Heritage Site ‘Attributes of Outstanding Universal Value’
The WHS is defined by seven physical 'Attribute' types (features in the landscape) across the ten separate Areas of the Site - numbered from west to east, A1 to A10

Heritage Impact Assessments (HIA) – what should these consider?

Using historic and modern mapping to identify Attributes of Outstanding Universal Value

Appropriate design within the World Heritage Site

What is the ‘setting’ of the World Heritage Site?

Using the WHS Development Impact Checklist to inform your development